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Photography is an essential part of almost all work in media today and, with the exception of text based academic print publishing, good photography is one of the key elements for successful design. There are more options than ever for acquiring images, and each project must be assessed to determine which one is the best.

Alhambra Palace - Robert Spiker
Court of the Lions - Robert Spiker

For some projects photo library images may suffice, for others commissioned photography is the best and often most economical route. In most cases it will be a combination of the two. In any case, the value of an experienced director of photography, as well as skilled photo researchers and photo editors for coordinating imagery with content, cannot be underestimated.

South Wall, Dome of the Rock - Robert Spiker

Commissioned photography involves not only engaging the best photographers for each project with clear contracts for rights and usage, but working with them under the direct supervision of editors and art directors who are fully conversant with the goals and objectives of each individual project.

Al-Aqsa Museum - Peter Sanders
Al-Aqsa Mosque - Peter Sanders
St. Edmundsbury Cathedral - Robert Spiker